Gaza: Israeli aid and Hamas attacks

Gaza: Israeli aid and Hamas attacks

    Israel is facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip while at the same time it is being attacked from that Hamas-controlled territory.

    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)

    19 June 2008
    In the past 24 hours, prior to the start of the "state of calm," 32 Kassam rockets and approximately 10 mortar bombs were fired at Israel. Kassams hit Kibbutz Yesha, near a school in Sderot, close to a factory in Sha'ar HaNegev and near to many other communities.

    Also today, approximately 65 humanitarian aid trucks carrying fruit, meat, dairy products and equipment were scheduled to be transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa Israeli crossing point. The Erez and Nahal Oz crossing points were also open.

    18 June 2008
    So far today, 11 Kassam rockets and 4 mortar bombs have been fired at Israel. Three of the mortars landed in Palestinian territory. One Kassam caused damage to the Kibbutz Yesha greenhouses and an additional Kassam landed near a school in Sderot, fortunately causing no injury or damage. There were also shots fired at civilian engineering work near the Nahal Oz fuel terminal, causing the closure of the crossing.

    Also today, 80 humanitarian aid trucks carrying medicine, food and other humanitarian supplies were scheduled to be transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa Israeli crossing points.

    16 June 2008

    Today, three gunmen were identified trying to lay two bombs near the security fence in the area of the Sufa crossing, in the southern Gaza Strip.

    Also today, approximately 80 humanitarian aid trucks carrying medical equipment, food and other supplies were scheduled to be transferred to the Gaza Strip via the same crossing, the Sufa Israeli crossing point. The Erez, Nahal Oz and Karni crossings were also open.

    12 June 2008
    Today, a strong explosion destroyed a house in Bet-Lehia in the northern Gaza Strip. The IDF had no connection to this event, which according to news reports was caused by careless handling of explosives or a failed attempt to launch a missile at an army helicopter. Hamas falsely accused Israel, and "in response" launched 43 projectiles (3 Grad rockets, 18 Kassam rockets and 22 mortar bombs).

    As a result of the Hamas fire, a 59 year-old Israeli woman was lightly wounded in her house in Yad Mordechai and a Palestinian man was wounded near the Erez crossing.

    In the morning, two armed terrorists were seen planting a bomb near the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip.

    Shortly before this report was filed, a suspect car approached the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip. Shots were fired at the car. The event has not ended, but it can be said that a terror attack was prevented.

    Also today, 72 humanitarian aid trucks carrying medicine, medical gas for a Gaza hospital and other supplies were scheduled to be transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Karni Israeli crossing points.

    10 June 2008
    Today, approximately 30 projectiles were launched at Israel, including 4 Kassam rockets and about 26 mortar bombs.

    On Sunday (8 June), a farm worker was lightly wounded from a Kassam launched at the Western Negev.

    Also today, 59 humanitarian aid trucks carrying food, medications, water pumps, pipelines and faucets were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa Israeli crossing point, and 280 thousand liters of diesel fuel were transferred via the Nahal Oz depot. In addition, the Erez and Karni crossings were open.

    5 June 2008
    Today, two mortar bombs fell on Kibbutz Nir Oz, killing one Israeli civilian and wounding three, two of them seriously. A total of five mortars were launched at Israel since midnight.

    Also today, 70 humanitarian aid trucks carrying hypochlorite, medicine, food and other humanitarian supplies were scheduled to be transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa and Karni Israeli crossing points. The Erez and Nahal Oz crossings are also open.

    3 June 2008
    Over the past 24 hours, a barrage of 5 Kassam rockets injured 4 Israelis agricultural workers as well as a Thai worker on the Yesha moshav. An Israeli soldier was shot and wounded while conducting engineering works near the fence. Later, a bomb was thrown at the works and 3 mortars were launched. Small weapons fire was aimed at the Nahal Oz fuel terminal. In total, there were 7 Kassams, 4 mortar bombs and 1 Kaytusha launched at Israel.

    Also today, 73 humanitarian aid trucks carrying diapers, wheel chairs and food products were scheduled to be transferred to the Gaza Strip via Sufa Israeli crossing point.

    22 May 2008
    Today, a very large truck bomb exploded at the Erez crossing, in the northern Gaza Strip. It is estimated that 4 tons of explosives were detonated. There were no injuries, but much damage was caused at the crossing site. Also, windows were shattered in Nativ Ha'asera and Kibbutz Erez.

    In addition, 11 mortar bombs were fired at Israel over the past 24 hours.

    Also today, despite the attack, various humanitarian aid supplies were scheduled to be transferred to the Gaza Strip via Israeli crossing points. However, the attack on the Erez crossing prevented 31 Palestinians from receiving medical treatment in Israel.

    Israel is facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip while at the same time it is being attacked from that territory. Israel holds Hamas fully responsible for these attacks and their consequences.

    21 May 2008
    In the past 24 hours, rockets were fired towards Israel.

    Also today, 75 humanitarian aid trucks carrying school and office equipment and food were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa and Karni crossing points.

    18 May 2008
    In the past 24 hours, 2 Kassam rockets fell on Israeli territory.

    Also today, 75 humanitarian aid trucks carrying school supplies and books, insulin and sports equipment were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Israeli Sufa and Nahal Oz crossing points.

    Israel is facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip while at the same time it is being attacked from that territory. Israel holds Hamas fully responsible for these attacks and their consequences.

    15 May 2008
    In the past 24 hours, a Grad (Katyusha) missile landed on the Hutzot shopping center in Ashkelon, seriously injuring 4 Israelis (including a mother and toddler) and moderately injuring 2 others. A total of 100 Israelis required medical treatment, including for shock.

    Also today, 75 humanitarian aid trucks carrying pesticides and water desalination substances were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Israeli Sufa crossing points.

    13 May 2008
    In the past 24 hours, a 70-year-old woman, Shuli Katz was killed by a Kassam rocket. Katz, a member of Kibbutz Gevaram, was murdered while visiting relatives at the Yesha moshav (near Ofakim), located some 15 kms (9 miles) from the Gaza Strip.

    Also today, 75 humanitarian aid trucks carrying children's games, medical equipment and medicine were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa and Nahal Oz Israeli crossing points.

    11 May 2008
    Yesterday, more than 20 Kassam rockets were fired at Sderot. Two Kassams fell on the Tnuvele factory in Sderot. Two Israelis were injured from shrapnel and more were in shock.

    Today, three Kassam rockets fell, including one that fell on Sderot, and damage was caused to the Sapir College. Three mortar bombs fell in Israeli territory.

    Also today, 75 humanitarian aid trucks carrying wheelchairs, walking sticks, additional medical equipment, food supplies and camping equipment were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Israeli crossing points.

    5 May 2008
    In the past 24 hours, there were two intensive barrages of Kassam rocket attacks aimed at Sderot and the western Negev communities. Two rockets landed in Sderot, hitting a cemetery and damaging headstones while one hit a supermarket, causing structural damage. There were 5 shock victims. Today there were three hits in Sderot, including one that landed in agricultural lands near the Sapir College.

    Also today, 75 humanitarian aid trucks carrying  vaccines, electric wires, hygiene and food products and other materials were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa crossing point.

    16 April 2008
    Early this morning (Wednesday) 16 April 2008, three IDF soldiers were killed and three injured in a clash with terrorists near the security fence between Gaza and Israel. The event took place on the Gaza side of the fence, between the Nahal Oz fuel terminal and Kibbutz Beeri, when the IDF force encountered a group of armed Palestinians close to the border. The IDF routinely operates in this area to prevent terrorist infiltrations, sniper fire and Kassam rocket attacks.

    Today's incident occurred - apparently not coincidentally - exactly one week after the terrorist attack on the Nahal Oz fuel terminal, during which two Israel workers were murdered. The presence of the terrorists in that area is an indication that the threat from Gaza is not aimed only at Sderot, but also at the other approximately 10 Israeli communities near the border, which are also under daily threat.

    In a separate incident, during an IDF operation against terrorist infrastructure near the security fence in northern Gaza, Palestinian gunmen opened fire from within a mosque. The mosque had been used for storing a large amount of explosive devices and explosive substances. One IDF soldier was moderately wounded. Mortar bombs and anti-tank missiles were also fired at an IDF force.

    Explosive device found in Gaza mosque (IDF Spokesman)
    Explosive device found in Gaza mosque
    (IDF Spokesman)

    Also today, all five crossings into Gaza for humanitarian aid (Karni, Sufa, Kerem Shalom, Nahal Oz and Erez) were open. These crossings supply Gaza with the necessities for daily life for the people of Gaza.

    194 truckloads of humanitarian aid were transferred to Gaza.

    Israel is facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip while at the same time it is being attacked from that territory. Israel holds Hamas fully responsible for these attacks and their consequences.

    14 April 2008

    Today, two Kassam rockets were fired, falling north-west of Sderot. In addition a mortar bomb was fired.

    Also today, 107 humanitarian aid trucks carrying medical equipment, sewage pumps and basic food products were transferred to the Gaza Strip via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom Israeli crossing points.

    13 April 2008

    In the past 24 hours, a mortar bomb fell in the area of Nir Oz, near a group of local authority heads. No injuries were reported.

    Also today, 121 humanitarian aid trucks carrying rice, sugar, oil, fruit and dairy products have been transferred to Gaza via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.

    It should be noted that in recent weeks, the Palestinians have been attempting to generate an energy crisis by failing to withdraw from fuel supplies available to them at the Palestinian terminal of the Nahal Oz fuel depot. Moreover, Hamas bears responsibility for the murderous 9 April 2008 attack on Israeli workers at the Nahal Oz fuel depot, which has caused some disruption in the terminal's service in recent days. Yet at the same time, they have been instigating a strike and protest.

    10 April 2008

    130 humanitarian aid trucks were transferred to the Gaza Strip via Israeli crossing points.

    It should be noted that every week, the Nahal Oz fuel terminal delivers about 2.2 million liters of industrial fuel for Gaza City's electrical power plant, 75,400 liters of gasoline, 800,000 liters of diesel fuel, as well as large quantities of cooking gas.

    Israel is facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip while at the same time it is being attacked from that territory. Israel holds Hamas fully responsible for these attacks and their consequences.

    9 April 2008

    Shortly after 3pm on April 9, Palestinian terrorists fired a barrage of mortar bombs in the area of Kibbutz Nahal Oz while a squad of Palestinian terrorists from the Gaza Strip penetrated into Israeli territory. The terrorists murdered two Israeli workers at the Nahal Oz fuel terminal. The attack was aimed at a terminal for the transfer of fuel and gas to the Gaza Strip which supplies millions of liters of gasoline and diesel for electricity and transportation.

    Two Israeli employees of the Nahal Oz fuel terminal were killed when Palestinian terrorists fired mortars at the terminal on April 8, 2009 (Photo: Flash90)
    Two Israeli employees of the Nahal Oz fuel terminal were
    killed when Palestinian terrorists fired mortars at the terminal
    (Photo: Flash90)

    See Behind the Headlines: Attack on the Nahal Oz fuel crossing into Gaza.

    8 April 2008

    As of 16:30 Israel time, terrorists in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip fired 32 mortar bombs and three Kassam rockets at Israeli territory. So far, there have been no reported injuries or damage.

    In addition, during an IDF operation against terrorists operating near the border fence between Israel and the northern Gaza Strip, terrorists opened fire on the IDF force. The IDF soldiers returned fire, hitting two gunmen. Rocket-propelled grenades and Kalashnikov rifles were found on the two terrorists.

    At the same time, 127 humanitarian aid trucks, carrying medical equipment, diapers and basic food products were transferred today from Israel to the Palestinian population in Gaza, via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.

    Israel is facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip while at the same time it is being attacked from that territory. Israel holds Hamas fully responsible for these attacks and their consequences.